Department of Information and Communications Engineering

The department of Information and Communications Engineering has strong competence in ICT. Our research and teaching span from ICT technology to core electrical engineering and its basic phenomena. Department carries out research in the following areas: Human-centric TechnologyCommunications and Networked System and Fundamentals of Information and Communications Engineering.

Our research and research groups

The department carries out research in the areas of Fundamentals of Information and Communications Engineering, Human-centric Technology and Communications and Networked Systems.

Photo: Aki-Pekka Sinikoski

Research facilities

Discover the infrastructure the Department of Information and Communications Engineering offers its researchers and students

Otaniemi campus in summer
ELEC students

The Department of Information and Communications Engineering provides education on Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. Our master's education is focused on the four majors of the Computer, Communication and Information Sciences programme. All our master's degree programmes are international and taught in English.

Read more: Studies

Person with long brown hair, wearing a white jumper, standing against a wooden panel wall, arms crossed.
Studies Published:

Student Lisa Petry: Signals are present in nearly every field of engineering and technology

Lisa Petry, a master's student in the Signal Processing and Data Science major, thinks that the increasing adoption of AI in industries highlights the need for skilled professionals who can work with data and therefore can provide a deeper understanding of the world around us based on given data.
Professor Antti Oulasvirta. Photo: Aalto University / Jaakko Kahilaniemi
Awards and Recognition Published:

Antti Oulasvirta as a member of the CHI Academy

Professor Antti Oulasvirta is the first Finnish to be elected to the International Academy of Human-Computer Interaction.
Person with black hair wearing a brown sweater, standing in a modern room with hanging lamps and glass railings.
Studies Published:

Student Anusha Porwal: Studies build a strong foundation for understanding speech and language technologies

Anusha Porwal is studying Signal, Speech and Language Processing as a master's student. The field of speech and language technology is developing rapidly, and her studies at Aalto have provided her with a good foundation for understanding the real challenges and future development of the field.
Two students in a lab working with computers
Cooperation Published:

New Computer Engineering major to educate future talents for the industry needs

The Computer Engineering major to be launched this autumn will educate the computer engineering experts that leading companies in the field desperately need in Finland.

Get to know us

On this page, you can find the contact information of the Head of Department, professors, lecturers and communications services.

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Otaniemi campus on summer.

We operate in many different buildings around the Otaniemi campus.

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